Thursday, September 10, 2009

School Play and Harry Potter Project

A while ago I mentioned that my school is putting on a play. Note: My school is only a sophomore school, so only sophomore 's will be involved in it. So I tried out and then made the callbacks. Tuesday we auditioned again for callbacks. Yesterday they posted the cast, and I saw my name was not on the sheet. I saw it coming, there were wonderful actresses/actors that tried out. I felt pretty upset but i still wanted to be apart of the play, so I picked up a green piece of paper to be part of the backstage crew. There was a meeting and an "Interview". 6/17 people showed up for the interview that wanted to be a part of the backstage crew. 10/17 people wanted to be the student director-including me:). I put down student director AND publicity manager down on the sheet. Long story short, the drama club manager saw me as a director, so I am now 1 of the 2 Student Directors! It seems really fun, and i guess it turned out for the best that I didn't get a part in the cast.
I mentioned a while ago that i had to read 5000 pages by friday, well now my teacher said that I could do my project on Harry Potter! I don't think she knows that I did my summer reading project on Harry Potter, because had a schedule change so thats good. Now I just have to re-read the Harry Potter series by NEXT friday which is something I can handle. But I still have to read 5000 pag
es, only its due at the end of the quarter, which gives me more time, MUCH more time.
In other news I got a 105% on my math test and a 110% on my American Studies test. Times like this make me feel like a nerd, but then I remember that I am one:) The sad part of that story is that I didn't even study for either of the tests. such a bad habit that i must break. Example, after i finnish this blog, I'm going to make flash cards for ANOTHER world studies quiz. I have a feeling i'll be doing a lot of studding in American studies...

Question of the Day: What's your favorite Harry Potter Book?


  1. aw, sorry you didn't make it but congrats, GOOD JOB on getting student director!!!! that's going to be so fun, as good as being in the show :) also, a sophomore school? what does that mean? lol wait does that mean that you only have 10th graders in your school? lol jw
    and good job on those 100%+ tests lol xD
    i LOVE your question of the day thing!! i hope you do them on every post :) my fave is DH, definitely :)

  2. how cool you get to do a harry potter project!!

    and in answer to your question, my favorite is hands down DH!!
