Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Yet another Website

Believe it or not, this is my 4th website. Yeah, crazy. The reason I have started another one is the same reason i started the last one, and the one before that is because i forgot my password, and the answer to the security question to get your password. Also Blogs are now very popular these days :D. The only one of my previous websites is the blogspot one. It is the only one that wasn't deleted by the host site for not logging in for over a year. You can view it here: this was my blog, but i forgot the password...

Other news: Do you guys like the banner. Made it myself in under 20 minutes. I'm just mulit-talented like that. That is another one of my hobbies, graphic making. I don't have a proper editing software yet, but when I do they will be better!

1 comment:

  1. Hi you!
    Welcome back in the bloggingworld, haha! I'm looking forward to your blogs! :)

